Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Worship Insights...

                                                   TRUE WORSHIPERS

God the father is in search of a particular caliber of people in every generation (Isaiah 6:8, psalms 89:20). From continent to continent he moves in search of such people who will worship him in spirit and in truth and such people are not common, they are scarce. There are millions of born again Christians all over the world and what one sees in them is different from what God is looking for. God has standards e.g in the days of Noah only 8 people made it, in the days of Moses only 2 people made it, in Jesus’ days only 120 received the baptism of the Holy spirit……..(Romans 6:1)
·         True worshipers are those who want to serve God anywhere, not necessarily in Samaria or Jerusalem. You carry the alter of God in you everywhere( Daniel 1:8)
·         True worshipers are ready to serve God under any condition that God has allowed (Acts 16:18-26). These men found themselves in prison yet they didn’t say” God, is this our reward for serving you faithfully”? Instead, they declared,” be exalted O Lord above the heavens”. A true worshiper of God must be sold out to God no matter the condition
·         True worshipers are ready to lay their lives down for God (Acts 21:11-14, Abraham, Daniel, Esther etc…..)
If there are true worshipers then there are also false worshipers (Mathew 15:8-9)
There is no man who can worship God in spirit and truth when the old man is still alive. Until the flesh and its activities come to an end in a man all he is doing before God as worship will not be accepted. (Galatians 4:12)
Who is the old Man? The adamic nature acquired after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden.
The relationship that has existed between the old man and us has been master/servant or husband/wife. We have obeyed and totally submitted to it, so the old man must die before we can be married to Jesus Christ (Colosians 3:5,1 cor11:2 ) there’s no way you can get into a marriage with a new husband and drag your old boyfriend along!.(Gal.5:16-24)
Works of the old man….. Eph 4:25-31, Eph 5:3-4, 1cor 6:9-10,1tim 1:9-10, Rev 21:8…. Though you have said no to the old man and have nailed it to the cross ,the moment you yield to any of the manifestations above you open the door for its operations once more in your life, this time round it will be a double portion( Matt 12:43-45). Therefore the only way to keep the old man out permanently is in Luke 9:23….a follower of Jesus has no right of his own, you cannot be conscious of yourself and also be a true worshiper of God.

                                                              PRAYER POINTS
                    VOICE OF THE FLESH
·         Repent of all the voices of the flesh you have obeyed and followed in  life ( Gen 3:11)
·         Renounce, reject and cancel all the speaking and voices of the flesh in your life
( John 10:4)
·         I Pray that the voice of evil personality in my life be terminated today. The old man shall speak no more in my life in Jesus name( Mathew 16:21-23)
·         I bring to an end the evil control and directions of the old man in my life in Jesus name
(Romans 8:7-8)
·         I Pray that the voice of the Lord break, destroy and flush out every voice of the enemy in my life in Jesus’ name. Let the voice of the Lord separate me from the contamination of the voice of the enemy( ps.29:1-11)
·         O Lord, may you bring to an end the voice of evil counseling in my Life in Jesus name
(Gen. 16:1-2)
·         O Lord, may you restore all the damages and destructions that came upon my life as a result of the speaking of the flesh in Jesus name( Joel 2:19-20)

·         Repent of all the filthiness and iniquities that disqualify you from being a true worshiper( matt 15:8-9)
·         I reject, renounce and cancel my marriage with the evil personality called “ self, old man, human nature”
·         By your Divine hook, O Lord, draw out of my life all evil properties and establishments in my life.
·         O Lord, Let there be an inward transformation in me( Gal.2:20)
·         I command every member of my body to obey and submit to the instructions and directions of our Lord Jesus Christ
·         I destroy every spirit of compromise working in my life, family, church and nation(Daniel 1:8)
·         I pray that the root of disobedience in my life be uprooted, to function no more
·         O Lord, take to the cross and crucify my old nature and let it speak no more
·         Ask God to roll away from your life everything that is standing between you and Christ Jesus(2 Cor.11:1-3)
·         Pray that every power that is resisting your marriage with the Holy Spirit be up rooted and roasted with the fire of God.
·         Pray that the desire, plan, devices and expectations of the flesh (old man) in your life, family, church and the nation be frustrated forever by the Holy Spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Welldone Pr.Jeff! The world really needs this kind of message.May He who started a good work in you see to it that it is accomplished.Angela CDMI
